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Mental effort is as much, sometimes even more, stressful for the human organism than physical effort. Both, however, require large amounts of energy, the right level of concentration and reaction speed as well as comprehensive support in the form of appropriately selected nutrients. They support, above all, the proper work of the brain, our central computer which controls all the other body systems, making it easier to perform even the most difficult tasks, or to quickly assimilate large amounts of knowledge. There’s no denying, however, that it doesn’t always work at top speed, and its constant maintenance is made possible by dietary supplements such as Brain Actives . Thanks to its composition, it is classified as a nootropic, and the active substances it contains are selected precisely with regard to the functioning of our brain and the entire nervous system.


Nootropics, also called nootropics, are a whole bunch of different substances used, among others, in Brain Actives and other supplements of this type, whose main aim is to increase our mental efficiency. This name was created by Romanian doctor Corneliu E. Giurgea, who is considered to be one of the discoverers of nootropics, who was looking for a way to eliminate the limitations of human mind and raise it to a completely new, previously unknown level. Various methods have been tried, using a whole range of substances, some of them not even legal, but nootropics were the only ones that allowed to obtain fully satisfactory results. Most of them are artificial chemical compounds created in laboratories, but after years of research it turned out that also in nature we can find many plants with the same effect, among which the most known and most often used are:

  • ashwagandha, or sluggish vitania;
  • ginko biloba, ginkgo biloba;
  • gutu kola, Asian anthrax;
  • Ginseng root;
  • mountain rosary.

The beneficial influence on the functioning of our brain results first of all from their composition, in which we can find vitamins of practically all groups, necessary for maintaining the health of this most important organ, vitamin A, B, extremely important vitamin C and E, valuable antioxidants.



Many of the substances presented above can also be found in the composition of Brain Actives, a modern dietary supplement, a nootropic intended for use by anyone who feels a lack of strength not only for great physical or mental effort, but also to perform many ordinary daily activities. This is usually due to the lack of energy, the severe stress we are subjected to in our private and professional lives, and the manufacturer of Brain Actives particularly recommends its supplement to such people as:

  • all those who do mental work;
  • Physically active people who practice various sports disciplines, particularly strength training, running and cycling;
  • Computer scientists, professional gamers and programmers;
  • uniformed services, police officers and soldiers;
  • anyone who likes to live an active life.

Regular use Brain Actives In the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, it has all the expected effects, and the active substances contained in its composition have a beneficial effect :

  • practically immediate improvement of concentration, immediately after taking the supplement;
  • maintains concentration for longer, whenever you need it;
  • Quickly removes all effects of fatigue;
  • Reduction of the negative effects of stress, which leads to increased nervousness, which if untreated can lead to many mental illnesses, even severe depression sometimes requiring hospital treatment;
  • a large dose of energy necessary to act, work, play, any form of physical activity, also allowing to effectively fight overweight;
  • full support of cognitive processes resulting in a better memory, learning abilities and faster assimilation of required information.


Following the current trends, the manufacturer Brain Actives has placed in its composition only natural ingredients, proven in action, completely safe to use and not causing any side effects. Most of the substances found in it are of plant origin, and the full composition of the supplement is as follows:

  • TeaCrine® is a unique complex, the result of professional research carried out in the manufacturer’s laboratories into the action and effectiveness of nootropics. As the name suggests, the most important substance in TeaCrine® is theacrine, a plant purine alkaloid similar in structure to caffeine, an excellent pro-cognitive agent which acts on our adenosine receptors responsible for reducing feelings of fatigue while increasing energy levels, mental abilities and better concentration. The action of the complex is further enhanced by a carefully selected dose of natural anhydrous caffeine, the best natural source of energy, which can also be found in green coffee;
  • Cognitive & Nootropic Complex, consisting exclusively of plant-based ingredients. The first one is an extract from ashwagandha root, called KSM-66®, characterised by anti-stress effects, improving mood, giving a big boost of energy, accelerating regeneration after physical or mental exertion. The next ingredient is an extract from Bacopin®, an herb with anti-inflammatory properties, also helping to reduce the negative effects of stress, maintaining excellent mental condition in every situation, increasing learning and memory abilities. Its action is effectively supported by Centellin®, an extract from the leaves of Centella Asiatica, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire nervous system, increases concentration, delays aging processes and also takes care of the circulatory system, essential for correct oxygenation of the brain. The last ingredient is black pepper fruit extract, BioPerine®, full of piperine which, just like caffeine, provides a large daily dose of energy;
  • Neuro Vita-Min Blend, in which, as you can guess, the main role is played by carefully selected doses of vitamins. First of all, there’s vitamin B6, pyridoxine, without which it’s impossible to maintain a healthy heart, circulatory and nervous systems, or high immunity. Another vitamin from the same group is B12, whose deficiencies are responsible for the constant feeling of fatigue, mood swings, strong nervousness or problems with memory and concentration, which may even lead to severe clinical depression. That’s why the dosage of Brain Actives has been selected so as to always replace any deficiencies. There’s also vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, which quickly and effectively removes the feeling of fatigue, eases nervous tension and sleep disorders, and takes part in the synthesis of important neurotransmitters: serotonin and dopamine. The whole is supplemented with a large dose of magnesium, an element which improves the functioning of the brain, stabilises the work of the entire nervous system, supplies energy to every cell in our body, has a calming effect and improves memory.



The action of Brain Actives directly connected with its carefully selected, well-thought-out composition, is the best proof that the use of nootropics has an incredibly beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole body, increasing its efficiency, both mental and physical. It is therefore worth introducing this supplement to your diet and, taking the manufacturer’s recommended dose of 2 tablets a day, you will feel the first positive effects of their action after only 30 minutes. This is also fully confirmed by opinions of people from various professional groups who use it, and who are able to maintain full energy and concentration throughout a long and hard day at work. A similar opinion is held by specialists who more and more often recommend nootropics to their busy, stressed and nervous patients.

If you want to get rid of the problems with chronic fatigue, lack of energy and significantly increase your mental capacity once and for all, it is time to place an order for Brain Actives. To do so, all you have to do is go to manufacturer’s website and fill out the simple contact form. You can also decide on the method of payment, by bank transfer, credit card or cash to the courier upon delivery, which is carried out immediately after placing the order.


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