Feel Great System Review 2024 Before You Buy, Read This

Feel Great System Review 2024 Before You Buy, Read This

Do you want to lose your weight in the right way? It’s likely that you have heard of Unicity’s Feel Great System and are curious about what this weight loss plan entails. We decided to investigate the Feel Great system more thoroughly because it has been generating a lot of buzz lately. Visiting for the first time? Greetings! As an intuitive eating dietitian and registered dietitian, my name is Colleen. I support individuals just like you in eschewing dieting in favor of true, long-lasting health. Many of my SociEATy members have been long-term chronic dieters, so they always enjoy reading my evaluations of well-liked diets to learn about the benefits and drawbacks.

In today’s article, we’ll go over the Feel Great system in detail and give my thoughts from an intuitive eating perspective.

what is the feel-great system?

In summary, the Feel Great System is an adaptation of intermittent fasting that includes two supplement products intended to “assist you in reaching your objectives” (more on that in a moment).

You ask, whose objectives? Could be anything at all.

from The Feel Great System’s website;

Feel Great is an evidence-based approach that consists of two food-based products that have been scientifically created and work in concert to help regulate cravings and hunger, enhance mood and energy, and maintain appropriate insulin and blood sugar levels. Losing weight is a side effect.

Who is the founder, and are the claims supported by evidence? And do I suggest doing this? Now let’s get started!

What Rules Apply?

What then are the TFGS guidelines? They’re simple.

In essence, they support intermittent fasting, often known as a reduced eating window. Furthermore, it is advised that you take two dietary supplements: one right before bed and one right before each of your two meals. Here is my comprehensive summary of intermittent fasting: Do the Advantages of Intermittent Fasting Exceed the Risks? In short, there are guidelines on when you can eat (don’t love) but there are generally no restrictions on the kinds of foods you can eat (love!). Your stomach doesn’t have a clock on it.The Feel Great System suggests eating two meal supplements, Balance and Unimate, in addition to the fasting window.

Unicity Balance


Of the two supplement products suggested by The Feel Great System, Balance is one. Balance is a vitamin-enriched dietary supplement designed to assist individuals in fulfilling their daily fiber requirements, thereby reaping the numerous health advantages of fiber consumption.

Together with a few vitamins and minerals, such as chromium, vitamin B12, vitamin E, and others, each packet has three grams of fiber.

What’s absent? any research from scientists to support their assertions. Though they talk a lot about believing in science, no scientific citations are directly relevant to their products anywhere on the FGS website or product guides. If you believe in science, please show me your citation. Thank you.

My two cents: the majority of American adults do not consume enough fiber. It’s a fantastic idea to consume more fiber, but be careful—you can consume too much of it.

Go ahead and use this product if you enjoy the taste and plan to use it as a gentle nutritional tool rather than a weight loss tool. However, there are several ways to receive fiber throughout the day, so you don’t require this product to nourish your body.

Unicity Balance’s advantages

Decreases the absorption of carbohydrates.


The second product that TFGS recommends is Unimate.

This drink is created with concentrated yerba mate, a popular herbal tea in South America. Phytochemicals are nutrition-related substances found in all plants, including yerba mate. You’ve undoubtedly previously heard of two phytochemicals: beta-carotene from carrots and lycopene from tomatoes.

A few phytochemicals found in Unimate are unique to the yerba mate plant, including mate saponins, theobromine, and chlorogenic acids. It is beneficial that eating a wide range of plant-based foods helps to lower inflammation in our bodies! If you don’t like the taste or price of the tea, you simply don’t have to drink it. (PS: If you’d like to view my favorite meals and beverages, you may download my Intuitive Eating Food list). The Unimate drink also includes erythritol, stevia, and artificial sweetener Splenda in addition to yerba mate. I’m not big on artificial sweeteners, so go ahead and enjoy them if you like the way they taste, they don’t make you sick, and it’s not against the rules when it comes to eating! Avoid them if you’re not into them. How can you tell if breaking a bad food rule is something you should do or if you just prefer to avoid sugar in the name of “eating healthy”? Find out by taking this 60-second quiz!

The advantages of Unicity Unimate

Unicity Feel Good System and Loss of Weight

Intermittent fasting, which involves eating two meals a day, one at midday and the second between five and seven p.m., is the foundation of the Feel Great System.  A 2020 study that examined data from 27 clinical studies showed that intermittent fasting is a very successful weight-loss method with metabolic benefits. In multiple trials, this strategy has consistently led to weight loss, with reductions ranging from 0.8% to 13% of baseline body weight.  The Feel Good System’s intermittent fasting regimen, which can involve fasting two days a week or a 16-hour window each day, is an effective weight-management strategy.

More Effective Strategies for Enhancing Metabolic Health

You probably won’t be surprised to hear that I suggest Intuitive Eating. If you’re new to this field of medicine, it might sound a little fanciful or less scientific, but it has been thoroughly investigated. Excellent benefits are shown by the studies for intuitive eaters. Several instances include:

ORDER Feel Great System NOW

Important lessons learned

Though I love phytochemicals and fiber, the Feel Great System is essentially a dietary guideline.

That is not necessary. Everybody deserves to be free to eat.

Without using a costly system, we must learn how to nourish our mind, body, and spirit. There are a lot of regulations, restrictions, and feelings of shame in our diet-focused world.

In addition to spilling the beans on the five essential steps you must take to lead a sustainable, non-diet lifestyle, I’ll also let you in on the five most typical mistakes so you can be sure to stay away from them (or, if you’re already making them, run as far away as you can!).

You can also read this article

The Feel Great System: A Dietitian’s Review 2024


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