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BEAUTYHair ProductsReviews

Folisin Reviews 2023: is food supplement to prevent hair loss in men

Folisin Reviews 2023: is food supplement to prevent hair loss in men

The sight of a balding man does not surprise anyone, however, we live in times when even gentlemen start to attach great importance to their carefully groomed hair. The fact is, thinning hair is unacceptable and when it affects women too, it can be considered a tragedy. Accelerated hair loss is caused by various reasons, ranging from our own negligence to diseases, which in most cases can be cured, effectively stopping the process. It is worth starting the fight against hair loss and restore its former density, using the best available non-invasive methods, preparations against baldness, such as capsules Folisin with a strong but completely safe composition. The substances contained in it will not only stop the process of hair loss while promoting rapid growth of new hair, but also prevent it from falling out again.



Before we start struggling with the effects of baldness, we must realize that it is a disease that should be treated just like the flu or any other ailment. The basis for successful treatment is always to make the right diagnosis, and no different should be done in the case of hair loss, to find the cause why it happens. At this point, usually the proverbial stairs begin, because there may be so many of them that their detection will be a task for a specialist such as a professional trychologist or even a dermatologist. The causes of excessive and too fast baldness are varied, but they can be divided into two main groups. The first are those that, unfortunately, are most often our fault, because we do not follow the recommended rules of personal hygiene. Washing your head and using shampoos that are suitable for your hair and scalp helps to provide your hair with the right nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals. The second group of causes of problems with thinning hair is already more diverse and can be caused by, among others:

  • Hereditary predisposition, many types of baldness have a genetic basis, e.g. androgenic alopecia, which is confirmed by studies conducted in this regard;
  • hormonal imbalance, occurring both in women and men, which is the cause of, for example, transformation of testosterone into its destructive form, i.e. dihydrotestosterone, DHT, destroying hair follicles;
  • bad diet, too fat, too heavy, which lacks vitamins and minerals essential for health, leading not only to overweight or obesity, but also weakness and hair loss resulting from a general loss of immunity;
  • living under severe stress, which disturbs the balance of the whole organism, and one of the reactions to it is brittleness and fragility of hair or developing scalp diseases, such as acne;
  • other diseases, and their frequent symptom is baldness, among which the most frequently mentioned are thyroid diseases. At the same time, the process of hair loss, e.g. in androgenetic alopecia, may lead to blood system problems, such as hypertension.





    There are many causes of hair loss, but each of them must be treated with the same seriousness, because ignored may lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, when we notice the first signs that something is wrong with our hair, there are such ailments as thinning of the hair on top of the head or enlarged cornrows, it is time to take action. This is where the following products prove to be most effective Folisin . This is a modern dietary supplement in the form of easy to swallow capsules, and its comprehensive, even comprehensive action helps to remove both visible effects and internal causes of our baldness. This is a direct result of its flawlessly selected composition, providing your hair with everything it needs to grow strong and healthy, and you will find the following active substances:

    • AnaGain™ Nu, a revolutionary and unique complex of ingredients derived from pea seeds, containing mainly two substances reducing hair loss and accelerating its regrowth. The first is FG7, which has a beneficial effect on anagen, or hair growth phase, and the second, Noggin, is a protein that significantly reduces the resting phase, or telogen. AnaGain™ Nu shows the highest, confirmed by research effectiveness of up to 78 percent, faster growth of healthy, strong hair with natural color and reducing hair loss by an average of 37 percent;
    • EVNolMax™, another unique and patented ingredient in which the most important are tocopherols, i.e. organic chemical compounds found in the composition of vitamin E, having antioxidant properties, preventing the development of cancer, diabetes, lowering too high blood pressure and the level of “bad” cholesterol, Tocopherols are also used in this type of supplements due to their beneficial effect on the skin, whose health is, after all, the basis for proper hair growth;
    • PhosphaMax, full of phosphatidic acid, which regulates the functioning of many cells in our body, accelerating their growth, especially those forming the hair matrix. It is also responsible for intensification of anagen, i.e. the phase during which our hair grows, thanks to which their loss is significantly reduced;
    • sabal palm(saw palmetto), a plant commonly used in the treatment of baldness, which is also due to its composition in which we can find mainly valuable fatty acids. Their action stimulates hair growth, and other ingredients, while lowering cholesterol levels, simultaneously inhibit the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Additionally, saw palmetto extract allows men to maintain full sexual performance and prevents dangerous prostate gland growth;
    • pumpkin extract, with a proven androgenic effect, showing the highest effectiveness as a supplement to sabal palm extract. Pumpkin is a common ingredient in other dietary supplements, full of nutrients essential for hair and scalp health. This is facilitated by a large amount of vitamins: A, B (B2, B3, B6, B12), C, D, E, or minerals: potassium, sodium, zinc, iodine, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. This is complemented by phytosterols, fatty acids Omega – 3 and by using pumpkin supplements such as Folisin, we will no longer have to worry about the condition of our hairstyle;
    • BioPerine® is another versatile ingredient, as it can also be found in weight loss formulas. Its action is based on piperine, an alkaloid that has been shown to be effective in many aspects of our health, promoting, above all, a better metabolism facilitating faster fat burning. In these capsules, it has the function of supporting the absorption of selenium and beta-carotene, it also helps remove toxins , which can also contribute to hair loss;
    • minerals, including selenium, in the most easily absorbable form of Selenium SeLECT®. Selenium is one of the most important elements for maintaining healthy and strong hair until old age. It should therefore be regularly supplied to the body in carefully selected doses, which are contained in each Folisin tablet. Its action is supported by other equally valuable nutrients, including zinc and biotin. Zinc is involved in processes leading to the formation of keratin, the most important building block of hair, giving the hair its structure, elasticity and regulating sebum secretion. Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, called the beauty vitamin, is an exceptionally effective stimulator of hair growth, supporting proper oxygenation of the scalp cells and providing the hair with the necessary sulphur. It also stops seborrhea and dandruff, other common causes of baldness.


     Folisin capsule pack

    The rapid development of medicine, also concerning methods of dealing with hair loss, results precisely in such effective dietary supplements as Folisin It is intended for all men whose biggest problem is growing baldness. In order to achieve spectacular results of the treatment with it, it is enough to take only two capsules a day, preferably in the morning and in the evening, drinking plenty of still water. The first results, i.e. stopping hair loss and increasing the growth of new hair can be observed after only 30 days; the product is also completely safe to use and does not cause any side effects. The hair is visibly and tangibly thicker and stronger, it has a natural, deep colour and shine like never before. All of this is confirmed by testimonials from satisfied men who can now get back to their favourite hairstyle rather than having to cut their hair into the proverbial ponytail. Folisin is also recommended by the aforementioned scalp and hair specialists, so it makes sense to follow their advice and solve this problem once and for all.


    You can buy Folisin directly from the manufacturer, which is now a common distribution method, ensuring that you get the original and fully effective product. By going to manufacturer’s website , we have the opportunity to purchase one of three promotional packages of the supplement:

    • basic, one package sufficient for one month of treatment;
    • standard, up to three packages;
    • optimal, six packs.

    The shipment is sent within 24 hours after placing the order, it will reach us within the next two working days, and we can pay for it by bank transfer or cash on delivery.


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