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GigantX Reviews 2023: is a penis enhancer in the form of a food supplement.helps to increase penis size and improves the quality of sexual life.

GigantX Reviews 2023: is a penis enhancer in the form of a food supplement.helps to increase penis size and improves the quality of sexual life.

Uninterrupted potency and strong erections are things that no real man can afford to neglect. It is one of the cornerstones of a healthy sex life and has a significant impact on both physical and mental health. However, maintaining full fitness in intimate matters at all times is extremely difficult, and with more serious negligence it sometimes turns out to be impossible. Everyone who has experienced this can now count on effective help, which is certainly the tablets GigantX The most important thing to remember is that you need to be able to get rid of all of your problems quickly.


A successful sex life is disturbed by numerous ailments that are either independent of us or, on the contrary, we ourselves are guilty of. This happens most often when our lifestyle completely deviates from that recommended by doctors or nutritionists, the effects of which are immediately reflected in the general state of health. The following reasons are most often responsible for the growing and often difficult to eliminate problems with decreasing libido and getting and keeping an erection:

  • improper diet, which is the most serious negligence projecting not only overweight and obesity. To be honest, most men pay absolutely no attention to proper composition of their daily diet, contenting themselves with junk food, highly processed, full of fat and preservatives. It lacks ingredients providing vitamins, minerals and other nutrients conducive to potency;
  • hormone deficiencies responsible for enhancing libido, especially fluctuations in testosterone levels, the most important male sex hormone;
  • mental problems that can cause inhibition against sex, severe stress and other nervous tension, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder;
  • other conditions primarily affecting the heart and circulatory system, the cause of disruptions in the blood supply to the intimate area, which almost immediately reflects negatively on the ability to obtain an erection;
  • lack of physical activity, another cause of increasing weight, and obesity is a direct route to sexual frigidity and ailments that at least hinder intercourse;
  • stimulants, in many cases destructive to physical and mental health, especially when it is alcohol, completely disrupting all sexual functions
  • mechanical damage caused by the use of devices designed to increase erection, pumps and expanders, which, if not taken care of, may even lead to permanent damage to the penis and incurable impotence.


These not very safe inventions should definitely not be used, it is better to trust in the power of carefully selected composition of tablets GigantX It is better to trust in the power of carefully selected composition of tablets, safe and not causing any side effects. It is thanks to the thoughtful selection of active substances that they owe their comprehensive action, especially such components as:



A substance which is a combination of malic acid and citrulline, a non-protein amino acid. The beneficial effects of citrulline malate are extremely wide-ranging, it is used not only in potency preparations, but also in nutrients for athletes, especially those practicing strength sports. Supplying it in appropriate doses on a regular basis, also in the form of GigantX tablets, results in

  • increased physical performance and endurance;
  • Reduced muscle pain;
  • faster regeneration even after the greatest effort;
  • increased production of arginine, essential for the synthesis of nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow, also in the penis, which promotes strong and long erections.


A unique ingredient, developed and patented by the manufacturer, with comprehensive action:

  • prolonging the duration of intercourse;
  • improves efficiency and endurance, thanks to which hot sex lasting several hours will no longer be a problem;
  • regulating the level of cholesterol in blood, whose LDL fraction may clog blood vessels, making blood supply in intimate areas more difficult.


Its versatile health properties meant that it simply had to be included in the GigantX formula. This will support the male body with numerous nutrients that will simultaneously improve sexual performance, which are primarily:

  • ginsenosides, antioxidants that remove harmful and dangerous free radicals, strengthen immunity, also affecting the properties of hemoglobin, enabling it to bind more oxygen molecules;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine, with anti-stress and analgesic effects, strengthening the circulatory system and accelerating recovery;
  • Vitamin B4, choline, another B vitamin, also regulating the heart and entire cardiovascular system;
  • vitaminC, another antioxidant, which reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and lowers blood pressure, which is also of considerable importance for solving erection problems.

All these ingredients affect the properties of Korean ginseng, increasing potency, making the frigidity disappearAll these ingredients influence the properties of Korean ginseng, increasing potency and making sexual frigidity disappear, erections become exceptionally strong and greater efficiency allows to make love effortlessly whenever and for as long as we want.


Under the mysterious and exotic name mumio are small lumps of a substance from the remote Himalayas, also known as shilajit Himalayan and used in natural medicine in this region of the world for nearly 5 thousand years. It is the result of the plants that once covered this area dying off and completely changing their form while gaining valuable healing properties:

  • intensifying spermatogenesis, producing high quality semen, thus improving fertility;
  • analgesic and anti-inflammatory;
  • strengthening the weakened prostate, preventing its hypertrophy;
  • elevating sexual life to a whole new level not previously possible;
  • preventing the development of many diseases, including Alzheimera disease, digestive disorders, bone and joint disorders.



The plant, better known as Ginko biloba, is a rich source of components necessary not only for male libido, but also improving overall health. It contains, among others, flavone glycosides, phenolic acids, carotene, selenium, phytosterols, vitamin C, vitamin E, and it is they that determine properties of ginkgo biloba:

  • improving peripheral blood circulation;
  • better blood flow to the genitals;
  • sealing the walls of blood vessels
  • relieving inflammation;
  • enhancing libido and ensuring stronger, firmer erection;
  • beneficial influence on nervous system functioning.


A plant extremely popular in kitchens practically all over the world, whose health-promoting action is based on the content of capsaicin, an alkaloid which gives peppers their characteristic spicy taste. However, the manufacturer of GigantX appreciated not its taste, but medicinal properties:

  • alleviating the symptoms of diseases of the heart and circulatory system, protecting against clots that can even threaten life, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and stroke;
  • lowering the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in blood;
  • antioxidant, because as an antioxidant it reduces the amount of free radicals;
  • reduces pain;
  • accelerates metabolism, burning fat tissue and thus promoting weight loss.


These little black seeds, specifically their outer casing, provide the weakened male with piperine, another alkaloid that will make him forget about his potency problems. The doses of piperine that are found in these pills are beneficial:

  • antioxidant, protecting the body from the effects of oxidative stress;
  • inhibiting the development of cancer, including prostate cancer;
  • Regulating blood pressure and improving circulation;
  • increases physical performance;
  • enhances the absorption of other substances contained in GigantX;
  • increase sexual desire.


Intake of caffeine in specific, standard doses has an extremely beneficial effect on impaired libido and erection. Supplied with a daily cup of coffee or as an ingredient in dietary supplements, it has proven properties:

  • stimulating, providing the energy needed also for sex;
  • improving blood circulation, making it easier to achieve and maintain an erection;
  • relaxing, relieving stress;
  • increases physical endurance;
  • significantly increases the duration of intercourse;
  • stimulating the part of the brain responsible for sexual excitement.


An element not without reason considered one of the most important for our health, which must be supplied in its entire daily requirement from external sources, with food and GigantX tablets. The primary function that zinc has in the male body is to inhibit the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, in addition to being responsible for:

  • functioning of the immune system;
  • regulation of insulin secretion;
  • normal heart rhythm and blood pressure;
  • improved potency and fertility;
  • proper levels of testosterone in blood;
  • male germ cells production processes;
  • higher sperm motility;
  • stronger erections;
  • improved brain function, nervous system and concentration.



Analyzing the composition of GigantX pills, we are not able to criticize it. All active substances are characterized by proven effects, which are also confirmed by enthusiastic opinions of as many as 83% of satisfied men, who point out such advantages as

  • a clear increase in penis size, even by several centimeters in length and girth, giving greater satisfaction and sensation of stimuli to both partners;
  • Strong, long-lasting erections achieved without any effort;
  • libido always at its highest level;
  • A whole new, better quality of sex that is exactly what they dreamed of;
  • Increased performance and stamina to make love all night and every day;
  • Quicker recovery and readiness for the next session;
  • Higher quality semen, produced simultaneously in larger quantities, facilitating conception.


For full results, the pills should be taken twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, with a glass of still water. The first effects are visible after about a month of use, maintaining regularity and dosages recommended by the manufacturer, which should definitely not be exceeded. As already mentioned, the ingredients do not cause side effects, however, the exception may be an individual allergy to any of them.

GigantX can be bought through manufacturer’s website where we can place an order taking advantage of price promotions, and there are as many as three promotional packagesavailable:

  • Basic, 1 pack with a month’s supply of pills;
  • Standard, 2 packs plus 1 free, which is enough for 3 months of treatment;
  • Optimal, 3 packs and up to 3 more free, which is a supply of 6 months.


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