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NuviaLab Immune Reviews 2023: Support immune system function Comprehensive Support for Your Body!

NuviaLab Immune Reviews 2023: Support immune system function Comprehensive Support for Your Body!

NuviaLab Immune Reviews 2023: Support immune system function Comprehensive Support for Your Body!

Taking care of our health should be an integral part of our lives if we want to live to a ripe old age without any problems and not complain about various ailments that can happen to us live to a ripe old age and not complain about various ailments that may befall us. These can range from seasonal infections to more serious illnesses, the treatment of which will not only be long-lasting, but also costly. So it’s better to save yourself such troubles in advance by strengthening your immune system, that is, your body’s natural resistance. The best preparations for this are those that have a natural yet potent composition, such as. NuviaLab Immune .



 immunity of the body

Immunity is the foundation of our health, and the functions that the immune system performs in the body cannot be trivialized. Before learning more about them and how NuviaLab Immune‘s active ingredients affect them, we should find out what immunity actually is. The most commonly used definition defines it as a complex system whose task is to protect against the aforementioned threats, made up of several elements working together:

  • lymphoid organs, the most important of the whole system, and in the spleen, bone marrow and thymus gland are produced the cells responsible for our immunity, i.e. lymphocytes, for example, in the thymus gland type T, and in the bone marrow type B;
  • lymphatic vessels, similar to and located close to small blood vessels, which distribute lymph along with immune cells to all organs and systems of the body;
  • peripheral organs, places where larger amounts of immune cells accumulate, primarily in the lymph nodes, intestines, the aforementioned spleen, thymus and bone marrow, and the tonsils.


Immunity is not a uniform phenomenon, we distinguish several types of immunity, but each will be positively affected by regular use of the NuviaLab Immune dietary supplement. There are two main types of immunity:


With which each of us is born, otherwise known as hereditary or non-specific. It is our first line of defense, a dam to protect us from bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, which does not require direct contact with them. The scope of protection against them includes:

  • physical barriers, namely the skin and mucous membranes;
  • chemical barriers, our body’s secretions, tears, sweat, sebum, digestive juices;
  • natural reflexes, such as watery eyes, coughing or sneezing.


Called non-specific, which we gradually acquire throughout our lives as a result of exposure to various antigens. It can be the result of being infected with a disease, and once we have survived it, we become immune to subsequent infections. Just as often, it is the result of a deliberate action, taking a vaccine for a particular disease, some of which we get as early as infancy. We also gain acquired immunity earlier, already in the womb when our mother‘s immune cells pass to us.



Unfortunately, we can not count on high immunity all the time, the functioning of the immune system is sometimes weakened under the influence of many factors. Very often we ourselves are guilty of such a situation, leading an unhygienic, unhealthy lifestyle, and NuviaLab Immune will help to alleviate the effects of such negligence. Most often weakened immunity is caused by:

  • poor diet, the cause of not only overweight and obesity, a diet that lacks essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A or vitamin C, as well as iron, copper and selenium. Large amounts of sugar, salt and unhealthy trans fats should also be eliminated from the diet;
  • abuse of stimulants, led by alcohol that reduces immune cell activity and “leaches” nutrients essential for health and immunity. Cigarettes have a similar effect, damaging one of the first protective barriers, the mucous membrane;
  • sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, which immediately reflects negatively on the health and immunity of the body. So it is worth moving from the chair, jogging or cycling;
  • taking certain groups of drugs, primarily antibiotics;
  • stress, almost completely deregulating the body, becoming, among other things, the cause of sleep disorders and even insomnia, which also leads to declines in immunity.
  • Medical conditions, diabetes, cancer or even the seemingly mundane allergy;
  • genetic conditions, if, for example, the mother had a weakened immune system during pregnancy, the child may be born with congenital immune deficiency.

All of these factors can manifest themselves in very distinctive ways, most of these symptoms will be alleviated by NuviaLab Immune capsules, and if our immunity drops, they will appear:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS);
  • skin rashes;
  • changes in the mouth, such as aphthae;
  • sleep problems;
  • increased susceptibility to infections;
  • poorer wound healing;
  • stomach and intestinal disorders;
  • allergies.


Many people disregard the symptoms described above, paying no attention to the immune declines that occur. However, this opens the way to serious risks, diseases that are better avoided, so it is worth starting to use NuviaLab Immune. The composition of this dietary supplement was carefully selected to improve and strengthen the functioning of the immune system, which is supported by the following active ingredients:



We mostly know yeast for its kitchen uses, but it also has numerous health-promoting properties, which is why a unique extract made from it found its way into NuviaLab Immune capsules. Yeast provides the body with valuable B vitamins, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), biotin (B7), as well as fiber, zinc, potassium, selenium, calcium and magnesium. Their presence contributes to Immunell™:

  • strengthening the natural intestinal barrier, improving their microflora;
  • activating the remaining defense mechanisms into action;
  • accelerating the regeneration of the body at the cellular level;
  • alleviating symptoms of many cardiovascular diseases.




Another ingredient that has a rich composition that promotes health and immunity, for which elderberry flowers and fruits are primarily used. They are full of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, organic acids, flavonoids and essential oils. Their action is supported by mineral salts, calcium, iron and phosphorus, so we can count on:

  • antiviral and antibacterial properties;
  • anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diaphoretic and expectorant effects;
  • immunity at the highest level;
  • sealing and strengthening the walls of small blood vessels, preventing varicose veins;
  • helping to maintain the right amount of glucose in the blood.


 wild rose

Known and valued in natural medicine, so it had to be included in the composition of NuviaLab Immune. Wild rose is a fruit with broad health-promoting properties, due to its content of vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin E, vitamin K, folic acid, tannins and flavonoids, which:

  • take care of the functioning of the immune system;
  • protect body cells from the effects of oxidative stress;
  • remove the feeling of fatigue and promote recovery after exercise and illness;
  • regulate blood pressure, preventing hypertension;
  • relieve inflammation and disorders of the digestive system;
  • improve kidney and liver function.


 Japanese pearlflower

Made from an exotic plant that grows in the wild in the Far East and has been used in natural medicine for centuries to help treat a wide range of conditions. Here again, the main role is played by the composition of the pearlwort, the content of vitamin A, rutin, essential oils, alkaloids, phospholipids and organic acids. In addition to supporting the immune system, it has beneficial effects on:

  • lowering blood pressure that is too high;
  • improving its flow, which minimizes the risk of blood clots;
  • better protection against infections, especially those of viral origin.



Rutin’s broad therapeutic properties led to an extra dose of it in NuviaLab Immune. Rutin is classified as a flavonoid, supporting not only the immune system, but especially the circulatory system. Its noteworthy properties include:

  • faster healing of infections, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect;
  • shortening their duration;
  • protection against the effects of oxidative stress, as it is a powerful antioxidant;
  • increase the absorption of vitamin C and prolong its effect;
  • strengthening and making blood vessel walls more flexible.


 Vitamin D

For the effect of this dietary supplement to be considered comprehensive, it also had to include an extra dose of vitamin D, the body’s greatest immune ally, thanks to its beneficial effect on the bone marrow. In addition, this variety of vitamin D is responsible for:

  • maintaining normal levels of calcium and phosphorus, so it improves the mineralization of bones and teeth;
  • functioning of the muscular system;
  • the course of metabolic processes;
  • minimizing the risk of developing many diseases, including diabetes and some cancers;
  • faster regeneration of a damaged liver.



One of the elements most important for our health, which is why the manufacturer decided to use it in its capsules to support the weakened immune system. Zinc is also worth appreciating for its other effects, primarily such as:

  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • regulating the pancreas and other internal organs;
  • improving the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • stabilizing blood pressure;
  • counteracting the effects of dementia;
  • supporting the treatment of skin diseases, including acne.


 NuviaLab Immune

NuviaLab Immunesince its appearance on the market, it has enjoyed good, fully deserved reviews from those who use it and numerous specialists in many fields. In their statements, they emphasize the most important advantages of these capsules:

  • 100% natural and completely safe composition, with no side effects, but check before use if you have an individual allergy to any of the ingredients;
  • higher immunity of the body, more effective protection against diseases and seasonal infections;
  • alleviation of their symptoms, if they already occur;
  • faster recovery from illness or infection;
  • more energy for action and physical activity;
  • get all the positive effects while taking just two capsules a day with a meal.


The manufacturer of this supplement has also taken care of its distribution, so NuviaLab Immune can be purchased through The manufacturer’s company website, where there is a contact form. This gives 100% certainty of purchasing original and fully effective capsules, we also have the opportunity to take advantage of current price promotions, purchase three attractive packages, such as:

  • Basic, one package, 60 capsules;
  • Standard, two packs plus one free, 180 capsules;
  • Optimal, three packs plus as many free, up to 360 capsules.

The package is shipped immediately after the order is placed, reaches the recipient within a few business days, and within our country you can pay on delivery. In the case of shipping abroad, it is necessary to pay in advance.


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  • https://www.healthline.com/health/brewers-yeast
  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/elderberry
  • https://www.healthline.com/health/rosehip-oil-benefits
  • https://www.healthline.com/health/potential-benefits-of-rutin
  • https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/benefits-vitamin-d
  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/zinc

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