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NuviaLab Relax Reviews 2023 – is a food supplement that supports the maintenance of a good mood and emotional balance.

NuviaLab Relax Reviews 2023 – is a food supplement that supports the maintenance of a good mood and emotional balance.

The pace of the modern world is getting more and more difficult for us, both at work and in our private lives. There is no denying that the vast majority of us are constantly on the run and have no time to take care of a proper daily dose of rest. We simply neglect this very important issue, which very quickly reflects negatively on our health. Among other things, the physical and mental capacity of the body decreases, and stress appears, and this unfavorable phenomenon can be prevented by the active ingredients of the dietary supplement NuviaLab Relax .


Let’s face it, no one can function twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week without a moment’s rest. Each body has a certain capacity, and exceeding this conventional threshold carries serious health consequences. Symptoms of fatigue cannot be ignored, and many of them are helped by the substances contained in the NuviaLab Relax capsules.

However, before we describe them in detail, we should learn what fatigue actually is and what its symptoms are. The generally understood, simplest definition of fatigue distinguishes between two types of fatigue:



Physical fatigue is the result of strenuous activity, a condition that is beneficial to the body in some way and protects it from permanent fatigue. Physical fatigue results in the release of many harmful substances left over from metabolic processes occurring primarily in the muscles. There are also other phenomena that should arouse our concern:

  • increase in body temperature indicating its overheating, i.e. the phenomenon of hyperthermia;
  • gradual dehydration of the body, also dangerous to health, and can even lead to death;
  • a drop in blood glucose levels, or hypoglycemia;
  • rising ammonia levels in the muscles.

Physical fatigue can be very easily confused with various diseases, as it gives similar symptoms, and the most characteristic ones are:

  • lack of energy for physical activity;
  • feeling exhausted;
  • severe muscle and joint pains;
  • back pain;
  • feeling tired more quickly than usual.


Mental fatigue can be more dangerous than physical fatigue, which is why it is so important to prevent its negative effects, preferably with the help of NuviaLab Relax. This condition mainly affects our psyche, giving characteristic symptoms:

  • lack of motivation to act;
  • a feeling of apathy;
  • difficulty concentrating on even the simplest activities;
  • sleep disorders, ranging from problems with falling asleep to chronic insomnia;
  • inability to make logical decisions;
  • violent mood swings, difficulty in controlling one’s emotions, e.g., attacks of aggression or panic;
  • problems with memory and learning new information.



Sometimes the body needs a stimulus to switch from the state of exertion to the state of rest. Such a stimulus, and a very effective one, are the capsules NuviaLab Relax consisting of as many as ten active ingredients that not only take care of our relaxation, but also deal with stress, reducing its negative impact on the body. At the same time they put us in an excellent mental mood, so we can better cope with all the daily challenges.


For such action of NuviaLab Relax are responsible for the substances from which its composition was composed. We must admit that the manufacturer has decided not only the most effective, but also natural. They are predominantly of plant origin and do not cause any side effects, and the only exception may be an individual allergy to any of them. Each NuviaLab Relax capsule contains:


Under this name is hidden a unique, patented blend of many natural plant components affecting the body in many ways, and their effectiveness is confirmed by the conducted research. To prepare Calmomix® mixture the following ingredients were used

  • valerianroot extract, and from its Latin name Valeriana officinalis, it is called valerian. It acts, among others, on central nervous system, reduces its overactivity, calms down, soothes states of nervous tension and facilitates falling asleep;
  • extract from lemon balm leaves, commonly used in preparations for preventing sleep disorders. This is facilitated by its composition, containing essential oils, chlorogenic and caffeic acids, tannins and mineral salts. They are what give lemon balm its sedative, stress-reducing, neurosis-relieving and sleep-inducing properties, which is why it has been included in the NuviaLab Relax composition;
  • passionflower herb extract, an exotic plant from South America characterized by calming effects, eliminating troublesome sleep disordersIt is also used to alleviate symptoms of depression ;
  • extract from common hop cones, full of valuable for health lupulin blocking excess of stimuli causing increased activity of nervous system. It has a sedative, anti-anxiety effect, reduces hyperactivity, removes difficulties in falling asleep and of course has a sleeping effect. It also has a diastolic effect, speeds up metabolism, lowers high blood pressure and reduces feelings of fatigue.


Another unique and also patented active ingredient based on Rhodiola rosea extract. This plant is classified as an adaptogen, which means that it best copes with the negative effects of stress, in addition to:

  • improves mood and overall mental state;
  • relieves not only stress, but also other states of nervous tension and symptoms of depression;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, while regulating brain function, which prevents concentration disorders and memory problems;
  • strengthens the body’s natural weakened immunity;
  • helps to get rid of the effects of fatigue faster after a heavy physical or mental exertion;
  • provides the energy necessary not only for physical activity, but also for performing everyday duties at home or at work.


Proper functioning, dealing with stress and other adversities affecting our memory or concentration, would not be possible without the supply of appropriate doses of vitamins and minerals. The manufacturer knows this very well NuviaLab Relax That is why each capsule contains ingredients that allow you to deal with the above mentioned obstacles even more effectively, such as:

  • Vitamin B1, thiamine, the first of this numerous group, whose action should not be underestimated as it is responsible for the proper functioning of not only the brain, but the entire nervous system. At the same time, it increases cognitive abilities, reduces the feeling of fatigue and muscle pain, accelerates post-workout regeneration, strengthens immunity, allows effectiveIt also increases cognitive abilities, reduces the feeling of fatigue and muscle pain, speeds up regeneration after exercising, strengthens immunity, and helps burn fat tissue more effectively, thus preventing overweight and obesity;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin, also multifaceted, also has a positive effect on the nervous system, taking part in the production of two important neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine. It protects the body from oxidative stress, regulates the level of cortisol, known as the “stress hormone”, and regulates blood pressure;
  • Vitamin B3, niacin, also known under the more common name of vitamin PP, similarly to the previous one, lowers the level of cortisol responsible for exacerbating the symptoms of stress. It increases muscular efficiency of the body, normalizes blood pressure, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, helps remove toxins;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid, another one responsible for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and antibodies that form our immune system. It also enables us to maintain normal cognitive functions, counteracts digestive ailments, also which can become a cause of increasing stress;
  • vitaminB6, pyridoxine, without which the processes leading to the synthesis of serotonin and adrenaline are impossible. This vitamin, which is contained in NuviLab Relax, thus improves the functioning of the nervous system, prevents muscle cramps after physical effort, allows better oxygenation of the brain due to increased production of hemoglobin, eliminates sleep disorders, reduces the risk of insomnia;
  • Vitamin B9, folic acid, needed primarily to almost completely get rid of the effects of severe stress, while providing large doses of energy to copeVitamin B9, folic acid, needed primarily to almost completely remove the effects of severe stress, while providing large doses of energy to cope with any effort, physical or mental, accelerating the regeneration and restoration of damaged cells;
  • Vitamin B12, cobalamin, probably the most important of the entire group of B vitamins, its possible deficiencies in a short time lead to impaired functioning of the nervous system, a rapid decline in concentration, and even movement disorders. At the same time, strong mood swings, nervousness and irritability occur, which are signs of mental problems leading to stress and even depression. This is why it is necessary to take care of the daily dose of vitamin B12, which will be provided by NuviaLab Relax capsules;
  • magnesium, in the form of a unique formula Aquamin™ Mg, and its source is sea water. It regulates the work of the brain and nervous system, has a beneficial effect on cognitive functions, facilitates falling asleep, improves the quality of sleep and prevents insomnia. Additionally, it prevents muscle cramps, takes care of the right amount of energy, supports heart function and regulates blood pressure.



The carefully composed composition of NuviaLab Relax cannot be faulted and experts recommend it as an effective remedy for dealing with even the strongest stressRegular users of the supplement also give it positive reviews, stressing its most important benefits:

  • fast action, right from the first capsule taken;
  • No problems with sleeping and falling asleep;
  • Minimized risk of insomnia;
  • relaxation at the highest level;
  • mental well-being;
  • Comprehensive support for the brain and nervous system;
  • Higher cognitive performance;
  • absence of any symptoms of stress;
  • Simple use, just take 2 capsules daily with a meal;
  • No side effects, except for those individual allergic reactions to any of the ingredients.


If you are interested in getting rid of your stress once and for all, then NuviaLab Relax is designed just for you. To purchase it, simply go to the manufacturer’s website and fill out the contact form posted there, while taking advantage of current price promotions. They allow you to save significantly on the cost of your purchase and there are as many as three promotional packages of the supplement available:

  • Basic, 1 pack, 60 capsules;
  • Standard, 2 packs plus 1 free, which gives you a supply of 180 capsules;
  • Optimal, 3 packs plus 3 free, giving a supply of as many as 360 capsules.

NuviaLab Relax is shipped to the recipient right after the order is placed, it is also possible to ship abroad, but only after payment in advance, and domestically you can alsopay with it on delivery.




  • https://www.healthline.com/health/valerian-root-benefits
  • https://www.healthline.com/health/lemon-balm-uses
  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/thiamine-deficiency-symptoms
  • https://www.healthline.com/health/vitamin-watch-what-does-b2-do
  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/niacin-benefits
  • https://www.healthline.com/health/vitamin-watch-what-does-b5-do
  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/vitamin-b6-benefits
  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/folic-acid
  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/vitamin-b12-benefits

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