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BEAUTYReviewsSkin Care

Zinamax Reviews 2023: is a food supplement that helps in the elimination of acne

Zinamax Reviews 2023: is a food supplement that helps in the elimination of acne

Healthy, firm, smooth, supple skin, free from any blemishes is a dream of both women and men. One of the particularly troublesome skin disorders, with which many people of all ages struggle, is acne, unsightly and often painful pimples appearing on the face, neck, back and neckline. Their treatment can take a lot of time, which should definitely be saved by using Zinamax It is definitely worth saving yourself some time by using modern, complex acting on skin tablets of safe and natural composition.


Acne, in its various forms e.g. commonacne (acne vulgaris), is the most common skin disease in the world and affects millions of people. Studies show that it already affects about 80 percent of humanity, regardless of age or place of residence. Until recently it was regarded as an ailment of adolescence and mainly young people complained about pimples.

This state of affairs has unfortunately undergone a negative change and now no one is surprised by a person in their thirties or even older who is covered with pimples. Zinamax can help in this case, regardless of the causes of acne, which most often are

  • disorders of sebaceous glands resulting in excessive sebum secretion, which occurs mostly in young people. Normal sebum secretion protects the skin against weather conditions and dryness, while too much sebum leads to the clogging of hair follicles and the formation of purulent pimples;
  • bacterial or fungal infections, resulting from the action of anaerobic bacteria Propionibacterium acnes or Propionibacterium avidum, and fungi from the Malassezia furfur family also act similarly. We are often responsible for their development by neglecting daily facial hygiene or washing the face with cosmetics that do not match the pH of the skin;
  • Poor diet, deficient in nutrients, vitamins and minerals essential for skin health, while causing rapid growth of overweight or obesity. Many products can increase the level of seborrhea, or on the contrary, dry the skin, becoming the cause of different varieties of acne;
  • genetic factors causing the inheritance of susceptibility to the development of this disease, for example from one of the parents;
  • Hormonal disorders, occurring not only during puberty, but also during menopause in women and andropause in men. At a young age there is an overproduction of sex hormones, at an older age a decrease in their levels, one of the effects of which is the appearance of eczema.



Getting rid of acne is not easy and requires the use of complex acting agents, strong, but at the same time 100% safe to use. Such requirements are met by precisely Zinamax whose composition was developed with the participation of specialists and thanks to that, it hits exactly at the source of problems located in the deep layers of the skin. It was composed of such active substances as:


Lactoferrin is a natural bioactive protein found in nature, e.g. in cow’s milk, and it is one used in this dietary supplement. It is characterized by a very broad health-promoting effect:

  • it has antiviral and antibacterial properties, it copes perfectly with most of the harmful microorganisms responsible for acne;
  • soothes inflammation of the skin and the mouth of hair follicles;
  • regulates the work of sebaceous glands and, consequently, the level of sebum secretion;
  • reduces and removes most acne lesions;
  • protects the body from the negative effects of oxidative stress, thanks to its ability to remove excess iron;
  • strengthens a weakened immune system.


Known by its more familiar name of pansy, an ornament of our gardens, but included in the composition of Zinamax tablets for its numerous healing properties, also beneficial to skin health. Its properties derive directly from its composition, in which we find: organic acids, flavones (5 percent), essential minerals, essential oils and vitamin C, an antioxidant that removes dangerous free radicals. It is thanks to them that the wild pansy:

  • cleanses the skin thoroughly, not only the epidermis but also the deeper layers;
  • Reduces the appearance of spots, discolourations and wrinkles;
  • Nourishes the skin, thus supporting its health;
  • strengthens weakened capillary walls preventing their cracking and formation of spider veins, and in many cases varicose veins;
  • has a slimming effect, considerably accelerating metabolism and reducing appetite.



The action of which is based primarily on the content of large amounts of vitamins: A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B9 (folic acid), C (ascorbic acid), which it contains dozens of times more than the same amount of citrus fruit, and K. They are supported by organic acids, tannins, flavonoids and pectin, all of which are responsible for the rosehip’s effects:

  • intensifying processes of collagen synthesis, the building material of tissues, including those forming the skin;
  • accelerating the healing of wounds and acne lesions, even extremely troublesome purulent pimples;
  • reinforcing immunity;
  • counteracting skin inflammations;
  • alleviating symptoms of allergies, including irritations and redness of the epidermis;
  • antibacterial.


Unfairly considered a weed, but fortunately its healing properties were appreciated by the Zinamax manufacturer and that is why it is included in its composition. Common nettle is a real treasury of the nutrients we need the most, such as: vitamin A. vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamins E and K. In addition, in these green, steaming leaves you will find numerous minerals: silicon, phosphorus, manganese, iron, zinc and calcium, creating with vitamins a health-promoting cocktail that positively affects

  • regulation of sebum secretion;
  • improvement of the skin condition thanks to its proper nutrition;
  • alleviation of existing inflammatory conditions;
  • faster detoxification of the body through diuretic action, removing toxins and other substances that may cause skin diseases;
  • alleviating the symptoms of allergic reactions by reducing histamine levels;
  • reduction of sugar levels and lowering the harmful fraction of cholesterol in blood;
  • acceleration of metabolism, which will be appreciated by people losing weight.


Another ingredient patented by the manufacturer, black pepper fruit rim extract, full of piperinePiperine is an alkaloid with wide-ranging properties which is worth taking in doses recommended by specialists. Piperine has a beneficial effect on, among other things:

  • reduction of destructive action of free radicals;
  • faster skin cleansing, especially from harmful toxins;
  • inhibition of development of inflammatory conditions;
  • support of the immune system;
  • increasing the efficiency of the body, providing it with energy necessary for physical activity;
  • accelerated digestion by stimulating the secretion of more gastric juices;
  • accelerated metabolism, which is also important for effective weight reduction and burning of excess body fat;
  • improved absorption of other nutrients, vitamins and minerals.


In order to cope with the various types of acne, the body needs strengthening, strong doses of vitamins and minerals proven to fight this difficult-to-treat disease, which depends on the health of the entire body. The manufacturer of Zinamax meets such needs and that is why it has also included in its supplement such additional ingredients as:

  • Selenium SeLECT®, an easily absorbed form of selenium, an element without which it is impossible to stop the action of acne-causing bacteria;
  • Vitamin A, which speeds up epidermis reconstruction, restores skin firmness and improves its elasticity, regulates skin cells, takes care of good eyesight;
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), responsible for hormone management, functioning of the nervous system, production of antibodies, proper blood pressure;
  • Vitamin E, another strong antioxidant, after ascorbic acid, called the “vitamin of youth”, protects against oxidative stress, moisturizes the skin, gives it elasticity, prevents aggregation, clumping of blood platelets that can cause blood clots;
  • zinc, not only reinforcing immunity, but also favoring acne complexion, accelerating its healing, inhibiting skin aging, regulating hormone secretion, also reducing hair loss.



This is the extract from Centella asiatica, in Zinamax in the form of a unique and highly effective formula taking care of all aspects of skin health. The plant contains such ingredients as triterpene saponins, bioflavonoids, phytosterols, vitamins A, C, K and E as well as large amounts of magnesium. Thanks to them, Centellin® has the following properties:

  • antioxidant, enabling the removal of reactive oxygen species, i.e. free radicals from the body;
  • accelerating the healing of wounds, pimples and the process of regeneration of damaged epidermis;
  • increasing collagen production, which helps stop the natural skin ageing process;
  • anti-allergic and analgesic;
  • immune-boosting;
  • regulating the nervous system;
  • stabilizing blood glucose levels;
  • removing excess water and toxins.


A unique, patented ingredient developed in the manufacturer’s laboratories which provides the body with carefully selected doses of nutrients comprehensively acting on the skin:

  • giving it a fresh, youthful and even radiant look;
  • taking care of its health on every stage of anti-acne treatment;
  • moisturising all its layers;
  • Reducing the number of visible pimples, pimples and other blemishes;
  • regulating sebum secretion, minimizing the risk of seborrhea.


The positive reviews enjoyed by anti-acne capsules Zinamax are fully deserved. People who use it emphasize in their reviews its numerous advantages, which we would like to briefly summarize:

  • significantly reduced sebum secretion, even by more than 31 percent, allowing to minimize skin oiliness;
  • minimized risk of inflammation, lower by almost 39 percent;
  • Proven antibacterial activity, effective against various strains of bacteria that contribute to acne;
  • Faster healing of wounds and irritations;
  • Visible improvement in the appearance of facial skin that becomes firmer, smoother, better hydrated and nourished;
  • Reduced intensity of new acne lesions by 23%;
  • completely safe to use, with no side effects also due to the natural composition of the supplement.


The use of the supplement is simple, you only need to take one tablet twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening, drinking a glass of still water. The first effects can be seen after a month, but it is worth continuing treatment until the complete disappearance of pimples.

Zinamax can be purchased directly from the manufacturer by placing an order on its website choosing from three promotional packages:

  • basic, one pack, 60 tablets;
  • standard, two packs plus one free of charge;
  • optimal, three packs and the same amount free of charge.

It is worth taking advantage of such purchase cost savings and solve your acne problems once and for all. The package is shipped within 24 hours of placing the order and reaches the recipient after a further two working days.


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  • https://www.healthline.com/health/skin/acne
  • https://www.healthline.com/health/4-best-vitamins-for-skin#talk-to-your-doctor
  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/stinging-nettle
  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/rose-hips
  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28933602/
  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26857697/

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